How to Choose Parameters in tmap

tmap consists of several steps of data analysis, from projection to TDA network construction. The choice of different parameters for each step influences the final TDA network. Given different dataset and the underlying study questions, these parameters should be set up carefully. We will demonstrate how these parameters would affect the final result and how to choose them properly in this tutorial.

Selecting components in filter

Projection of original data points onto a low dimensional representation is the first step of tmap, and it is important to set up the filter and components properly. If we go to the details of the algorithm in How tmap work, we can see that increasing the number of components of a filter will exponentially increase the time of computation and also the number of edges/nodes. Usually, different filters, such as PCA and t-SNE, project the data in different ways, and will give different TDA results. In our experience, we can try different filters (PCA, MDS, t-SNE), and choose the suitable one, and most of the time, we use two components for each filter.

In the following code, we compare the effects of choosing different components for tmap analysis, using the iris dataset.

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from tmap.tda import mapper, Filter
from tmap.tda.cover import Cover
from tmap.tda.plot import show, Color,vis_progressX

iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =
y =

# Step1. initiate a Mapper
tm = mapper.Mapper(verbose=1)

# Step2. Projection
lens = [Filter.MDS(components=[0, 1],random_state=100)]
projected_X = tm.filter(X, lens=lens)

# Step3. Covering, clustering & mapping
clusterer = DBSCAN(eps=0.75, min_samples=1)
cover = Cover(projected_data=MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(projected_X), resolution=20, overlap=0.75)
graph =, cover=cover, clusterer=clusterer)

#show(data=X,graph=graph, color='b', fig_size=(10, 10), node_size=15, mode='spring', strength=0.15)
Filtering by MDS.
...calculate distance matrix using the euclidean metric.
Finish filtering of points cloud data.
Mapping on data (150, 4) using lens (150, 2)
...minimal number of points in hypercube to do clustering: 1
...create 219 nodes.
...calculate projection coordinates of nodes.
...construct a TDA graph.
...create 1133 edges.
Finish TDA mapping

Using two components of MDS as lens, tmap generates a graph with 219 nodes and 1133 edges. Note: component index is 0-based, and the first component is indexed by 0.

What if we choose three components of MDS?

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from tmap.tda import mapper, filter
from tmap.tda.cover import Cover
from tmap.tda.plot import show,vis_progressX,Color

iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =
y =

# Step1. initiate a Mapper
tm = mapper.Mapper(verbose=1)

# Step2. Projection
lens = [Filter.MDS(components=[0, 1, 2],random_state=100)]
projected_X = tm.filter(X, lens=lens)

# Step3. Covering, clustering & mapping
clusterer = DBSCAN(eps=0.75, min_samples=1)
cover = Cover(projected_data=MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(projected_X), resolution=20, overlap=0.75)
graph =, cover=cover, clusterer=clusterer)

Filtering by MDS.
...calculate distance matrix using the euclidean metric.
Finish filtering of points cloud data.
Mapping on data (150, 4) using lens (150, 3)
...minimal number of points in hypercube to do clustering: 1
...create 921 nodes.
...calculate projection coordinates of nodes.
...construct a TDA graph.
...create 13279 edges.
Finish TDA mapping

The resulted graph has 921 nodes and 13279 edges. Increasing number of components makes the graph more densely connected with more nodes. If we compare these two graphs visually, we could see that the general topological structure is similar. But the more components you used, the more complicated a graph will be generated. We recommend the default parameter components=[0,1] in most situations.

Selecting resolution and overlap in Cover

The Cover class of tmap controls the resolution we want to study the underlying ‘data shape’, together with strength of continuity we want to keep on that ‘shape’. There are two parameters for this purpose: resolution decides how many intervals/bins you want to split the data into along each filter components, and overlap specifies the fraction of adjacent intervals need to be overlapped.

The resolution parameter determines the number of hypercubes to calculate: resolution ** n_components. Although increasing resolution can help to retain a fine-grain structure of the underlying ‘data shape’, it should be balanced with the number of samples in the analyzed dataset. Setting a resolution parameter too high will result in a ‘sparse’ TDA network, with many samples unclustered or ignored. In principle, if the dataset are densely sampled from a ‘hidden data shape’, higher resolution is better. Otherwise, resolution should be set up to have enough samples in each hypercube for downstream clustering analysis.

iris tmap resolution result

To demonstrate the effects, we increase resolution by 10 times and leave overlap unchanged. As shown above, high resolution for a small dataset will cause each hypercube has too few samples for clustering and no significant clusters can be detected. The resulting network will become sparse and fragmented. But using a very low resolution will generate a TDA graph too coarse to capture the true underlying ‘data shape’.

The overlap parameter influences the edges between nodes in a TDA network. The larger the overlap you set, the more edges you will have between nodes, and therefore, a denser TDA network will be reconstructed. Too low overlap will eliminate most of the edges, and will result in many isolated nodes or network components.

iris tmap overlap result

As we see above, resolution is an empirical parameter, which is depend on the size of your dataset. It should be carefully adjusted to reconstruct the underlying data shape properly. The larger the overlap you use, the more ‘continuity’ it will capture. Apart from the effects on general structure of a TDA network, these parameters also influence cover ratio of samples to be retained by clustering analysis, which will be discussed below.

Selecting eps and min_samples in DBSCAN

tmap uses DBSCAN as the default cluster, which is a density-based clustering method, and has two primary parameters: eps and min_samples. eps is the maximum distance between two samples for them to be considered as in the same neighborhood during clustering; and min_samples specifies how many neighbors a point should have to be considered as a ‘core point’ for cluster formation. These two parameters have great impacts on how many samples can be clustered into nodes, and how many samples will be shared between nodes to connect them with edges.

To aid in selecting a proper value of eps, we implemented utils.optimize_dbscan_eps, which can automatically determine the parameter from an input dataset. This function tries to estimate the distribution of neighborhoods from a dataset by calculating the distance to its nearest neighbor for each sample. Based on this distribution of nearest-neighbor distances, we can select a desired eps value for which we can cover/cluster the neighborhood for a specified percentage of samples, by passing a threshold (percentile value) to optimize_dbscan_eps.

For the min_samples parameter, we may want to retain minor clusters using a small value, such as min_samples=2, or use a large value to keep large and robust clusters only. If we set min_samples too large, we will only be able to see a ‘backbone’ of the ‘data shape’, and lose many samples that are scattered around. Therefore, large min_samples is suitable for big dataset to capture its ‘backbone’ structure. But for small dataset, a small value will be more proper.

Optimization of a cover ratio of Samples

During the clustering process in tmap, unclustered samples will be discarded and not included in the final TDA network. Here we designate a cover ratio as a measure of how many samples (as percentage) are retained in a final tmap network. Cover ratio is influenced directly by the parameters of resolution, overlap, eps and min_samples. In practice, it may be unaffordable to lose too many samples, and we want to have a large cover ratio. Here we explore the relationship between cover ratio and some of the tmap parameters using a real FGFP microbiome dataset (see the ‘Microbiome Examples’ for more details about this dataset).

Relationship between cover ratio and tmap parameters

The following figure shows how cover ratio changes along with different tmap parameters.

cover ratio

We summarize the effects of different parameters on cover ratio as in the following table, which can be used as a guidance for tuning parameters manually:

parameter relationship / effects
eps larger value increases cover ratio
overlap larger value increases cover ratio
resolution larger value decreases cover ratio
min_samples larger value decreases cover ratio