Source code for tmap.tda.mapper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools

import numpy as np
from sklearn import cluster
from tqdm import tqdm

from tmap.tda.Graph import Graph

[docs]class Mapper(object): """ implement the TDA mapper framework for microbiome analysis """ def __init__(self, verbose=1): #: if verbose greater than 1, it will output detail info. self.verbose = verbose self.projected_data = None self.filter_data = None self.lens = None # self.clusterer = None # self.cover = None # self.graph = {}
[docs] def filter(self, data, lens=None): """ :param numpy.ndarray/pandas.DataFrame data: :param list lens: List of instance of class which is inherited from ``tmap.tda.filter.Filter``. Input data may need to imputed for remove np.inf or np.nan, or it will raise error in fit step. It is recommended to scale original data with MinMaxScalar to check the completeness of data. Project/Filter high dimensional data points use the specified lens. If user provides multiple filters as input, it will simply concatenate all output array along axis 1. Finally, you will get a ndarray with *shape* (n_data,sum(n_components lens)) """ if data is None: raise Exception("Data must not be None.") if type(data) is not np.ndarray: data = np.array(data) self.filter_data = data self.lens = lens # "Metric and Filters for projection/filtering" # projection of original data points onto a low dimensional space # lens is a list of filters (tmap.tda.filter.Filters), can combine and use different filters # if lens is None, data is assumed to be projected data already if len(lens) > 0: for _filter in lens: if self.verbose >= 1: print("Filtering by %s." % (_filter.__class__.__name__,)) if _filter.metric is not None: print("...calculate Filter(which used to create cover) using the provided %s lens." % else: print("...calculate Filter(which used to create cover) with default.") if self.projected_data is None: self.projected_data = _filter.fit_transform(data) else: p = _filter.fit_transform(data) self.projected_data = np.concatenate([self.projected_data, p], axis=1) else: # lens is None, and the input "data" is assumed to be already filtered self.projected_data = data if self.verbose >= 1: print("Filtering has been completed.") return self.projected_data
[docs] def map(self, data, cover, clusterer=cluster.DBSCAN(eps=0.5, min_samples=1)): """ map the points cloud with the projection data, and return a TDA graph. :param numpy.ndarray/pandas.DataFrame data: The row number of data must equal to the data you passed to ``Cover`` :param tmap.tda.cover.Cover Cover: :param sklearn.cluster clusterer: :return: A dictionary with multiple keys which described below. During the process, it will output progress information depending on ``verbose`` Basically, it will iterate all *hypercubes* which generated by ``cover`` and cluster samples within a *hypercubes* into several nodes with providing clusterer. It will drop unclassified samples out and keep samples which are clustered. The name of nodes are annotated by the counting number during iteration. Currently, it doesn't accept any name behaviour for nodes. The resulting graph is a dictionary containing multiple keys and corresponding values. For better understanding the meaning of all keys and values. Here is the descriptions of each key. 1. nodes: Another dictionary for storge the mapping relationships between *nodes* and *samples*. Key is the name of nodes. Values is a list of corresponding index of samples. 2. edges: A list of 2-tuples for indicating edges between nodes. 3. adj_matrix: A square ``DataFrame`` constructed by nodes ID. The elements of the matrix indicate whether pairs of vertices are adjacent or not in the graph. (Unweighted) 4. sample_names: A list of samples names which assign from the index of providing ``data``. If 'index' not in ``dir(data)``, it will replace with a range of n_row of data. 5. node_keys: A list of ordered nodes ID. 6. node_positions: A dictionary with node as key and position of node as value. Depending on the shape of the, it will simply calculate the average values of all samples within a node in and assign it as the position info of the node. 7. node_sizes: A dictionary with node as key and number of samples within the node as value. 8. params: A dictionary for storing parameters of ``cover`` and ``cluster`` In future, structured class of graph will be implemented and taken as the result of ``Mapper``. """ # nodes, edges and graph of the TDA graph graph = Graph(data) nodes = {} raw_nodes = {} # projection data & raw data should have a same number of points assert data.shape[0] == cover.n_points if self.verbose >= 1: print("Mapping on data %s using lens %s" % (str(data.shape), str( # Define covering of the projection data and minimal number of points in a hypercube to be cluster cluster_params = clusterer.get_params() min_cluster_samples = cluster_params.get("min_samples", 1) if self.verbose >= 1: print("...minimal number of points in hypercube to do clustering: %d" % (min_cluster_samples,)) # print("...iterating ") # generate hypercubes from the cover and perform clustering analysis cubes = cover.hypercubes data_idx = np.arange(data.shape[0]) data_vals = np.array(data) node_id = 0 if self.verbose >= 1: _iteration = tqdm(cubes) else: _iteration = cubes if clusterer.metric == "precomputed": assert data_vals.shape[0] == data_vals.shape[1] for cube in _iteration: if clusterer.metric != "precomputed": cube_data = data_vals[cube] else: cube_data = data_vals[cube][:, cube] cube_data_idx = data_idx[cube] if cube_data.shape[0] >= min_cluster_samples: # storge raw node2samples relationship raw_point_mask = np.zeros(data_vals.shape[0], dtype=bool) raw_point_mask[cube_data_idx] = True if (clusterer is not None) and ("fit" in dir(clusterer)): for label in np.unique(clusterer.labels_): # the "-1" label is used for "un-clustered" points!!! if label != -1: point_mask = np.zeros(data_vals.shape[0], dtype=bool) point_mask[cube_data_idx[clusterer.labels_ == label]] = True nodes[node_id] = point_mask raw_nodes[node_id] = raw_point_mask node_id += 1 else: # assumed to have a whole cluster of cubes!!! # it equals to the raw node2samples nodes[node_id] = raw_point_mask node_id += 1 if self.verbose >= 1: print("...create %s nodes." % (len(nodes))) # no cluster of nodes, and return None if len(nodes) == 0: return graph # calculate properties of nodes: projection coordinates and size if self.verbose >= 1: print("...calculate projection coordinates of nodes.") node_keys = list(nodes.keys()) node_positions = np.zeros((len(nodes),[1])) node_sizes = np.zeros((len(nodes), 1)) for i, node_id in enumerate(node_keys): data_in_node =[nodes[node_id], :] node_coordinates = np.average(data_in_node, axis=0) node_positions[i] += node_coordinates node_sizes[i] += len(data_in_node) # construct the TDA graph from overlaps (common points) between nodes if self.verbose >= 1: print("...construct a TDA graph.") node_ids = nodes.keys() edges = [edge for edge in itertools.combinations(node_ids, 2) if np.any(nodes[edge[0]] & nodes[edge[1]])] # edges_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Source', 'End'], data=np.array(edges)) # adj_matrix = pd.crosstab(edges_df.Source, edges_df.End) # adj_matrix = adj_matrix.reindex(index=node_ids, columns=node_ids).replace(0, np.nan) # set the NaN value for filtering edges with pandas stack function # adj_matrix = pd.DataFrame(data=np.nan, index=node_ids, columns=node_ids) # # todo: this edges making step to be improved? using some native numpy? # for k1, k2 in itertools.combinations(node_ids, 2): # if np.any(nodes[k1] & nodes[k2]): # adj_matrix.loc[k1, k2] = 1 # adj_matrix.loc[k2, k1] = 1 # # edges = adj_matrix.stack(dropna=True) # edges = edges.index.tolist() if self.verbose >= 1: print("...create %s edges." % (len(edges))) print("Finish TDA mapping") if "index" in dir(data): sample_names = np.array(data.index) else: sample_names = data_idx # transform the point mask into point ids in the nodes nodes = [(node_id, dict(sample=data_idx[nodes[node_id]], sample_names=sample_names[nodes[node_id]], size=len(sample_names[nodes[node_id]]) )) for node_id in nodes.keys()] graph._add_node(nodes) graph._add_edge(edges) graph._add_node_pos(node_positions) graph._record_params({'clusterer': clusterer, 'cover': cover, 'lens': self.lens, 'used_data': {'projected_data': self.projected_data, 'filter_data': self.filter_data}}) return graph